Kids Of Hope organisation
It started on 10 February 2009, when Alice Leclef and Sanne Lauwers, accompanied with loud songs and drums, stepped the small school Baden Powell Memorial Academy to start to their development project. As from the moment that the ruinous fence of the school opened for their eyes and all that small faces which looked with large expectant eyes to them, knew they that their heart was lost to these children. They would help them, learn from them, share fantastic experiences with them and promise to them that they would never give up. `You are fighters, not quitters!’ That is most important lesson that they learned from these orphan children and teachers who had already had experienced incredible things.
Alice and Sanne did not give up and exactly one year after their project, Lissa Trousse, Carmen Lemmens and Lynn Arkkels followed them with their own development project. Afterwards also Jo Creten followed, who taught the school a lot concerning communication and media. These six young people all have lost their hearts to these children.
In September 2010 it was then at last up to that point: Alice Leclef and her father Stéphane Leclef started the organisation ‘Kids Of Hope international’ to be able to give a continuation to all these beautiful projects and adventures.

‘Kids Of Hope international’ is an organisation with social benefit. It is a young organisation and has as an aim to provide support, infrastructure and resources to schools for orphan children in Africa, and in particular to Baden Powell Memorial Academy established at Luzira, Uganda. The resources will become possible thanks to the sponsoring of volunteers.
Project of the semester:
Contribution in the hiring of the ground and bldg. of the school.
The school Baden Powell Memorial Academy (BPMA) is located on a plot which is property of a landlord in Luzira. The school has to pay a large amount for rent each month to this land lord, money that can not be used then for paying food and tution fees (money to pay the teachers). The rent used to be payed by parents of the children who pay schoolfees. But since our visits from februari 2009 until now, people and parents from the community concluded that we would take care of all the costs, including rent, for the school. This means that now the support from the parents and the community has decreased a lot wich means that the school has a lot of difficulties paying the rent.
With this project we are aiming at sharing responsabilities with the schoolboard, community and parents for paying the rent. That way the school will be able to pay the rent with our help witch leaves them the possibility to also pay the teachers and buy food for the children. We hope that we can systematically decrease this help so that in the future the school, the parents and the community can start working on a way to take the responsibilty for paying that rent again. If that works, we can again concentrate on other projects which are more based on the needs of the children of the school (school materials, projects in the classes,…)
Right now the main priority is helping the school to pay the rent so she can pass this period full of challenges.