How can I help?
Have you always wanted to do something to help others in need?
Have you always wanted to be that one person who really can make a difference?
Have you always wanted to support a good cause but you could never decide witch one because it was too expensive, too complicated or because you did not know where your money would go?
Then you are at the right place. Your money is only used for which you have paid!
To make sponsoring synoptically we offer you several formules. To do this now please go to our documents page. There you find all documents to become a sponsor. Do it now!
3 euro per month
Each month you pay only three euros. This money is used to support the current project. This project is examined each term, evaluated and it is adapted to the needs of the school and the children. Look on the home page to see which project you can support at the present with your contribution of three euro!=> Document sponsoring project (3euro/month)
10 euro per month
Each month you pay ten euro. With this money you pay a contribution in the monthly wage of one of the teachers of the school.Up to previous year the school had to manage with volunteers who were teaching in the school. This was a large problem because volunteers always realise rapidly that they can not remain teaching without a wage. Because of this the pupils got new teachers every month, resulting the level of teaching on school became very low. As an immediate consequence the chances towards a beautiful future for the students were taken away. With your contribution the school can hire at last fixed teachers, give them further training and can the school eventually build a real team of teachers. This contribution is therefore of large importance for the school!
Of course personal contact with this teacher is a fantastic way to make this sponsoring up to a personal and interesting experience.
=> Document sponsoring teacher (10euro/month)
30 euro per month
Each month you pay 30 euro. With this money you sponsor a child you choose in the school. With this money you pay for schoolfees for the child, a part of the school material. With this money you also offer the child a chance togo to school, a chance that this child may never get without your support! As you see, your money will really be used to help the child with his or her needs.Of course personal contact with this child is a fantastic way to make this sponsoring up to a personal and interesting experience.
=> Document sponsoring child (30euro/mnd)

Free gift
Of course you can always do a free gift. This gift will then be used where the need is.=> Document free sponsoring